Hi, I’m Molly.  I’m passionate about happiness, Mine & Yours

It’s a response-ability that makes the world a better place



Individuals & Couples

Relationships & Families

Small Groups



I came to Molly after making no progress for years in therapy, Molly gave me the actual words and language that I needed to re-write my thinking and interract with myself in a completely different way.  This work is transformative.


Molly sees the potential in everything, she sees the deep soul and buried abilities in someone.  She sees the good, and is truly confident and optimistic that I can do it.


Keep. It. Simple.

Get Happy

Molly’s distinction as a coach comes from her deep connection to God.  She is a great listener, laser sharp, compassionate and funny!  She will help you think differently about your life and offer creative solutions that that work.


Happy people can do two things at any given moment:

Tell you how they feel

Tell you what they need

Can you readily access the answer to these two simple questions?

If not can you honestly say you are happy?

We tried several methods of coaching before we found Molly LaChapelle. Her wisdom, her own strength & experience as a human being combined with her aesthetic sense & her professionalism made Molly a perfect fit.  She saw through the labyrinth of emotions that were getting in the way of us achieving our natural closeness.


Coaching (v) Therapy

There are 2 important differences between therapy and coaching.  Therapists are required to diagnosis you.  Therapy also operates as a parent child relationship.  Coaching is a peer to peer relationship which I have found to be a more successful engagemnt.  Because of my background in neuro and psycho linguistics, and I did not want to diagnosis people.  While diagnosis can provide short-term relief, it can also hinder healing in the long run.  Both are excellent practices and worthy of our attention.   Reach out if you would like to understand more.

Do I have the skills to help you?

To support you in understanding if I can help you, I offer a meet and greet at no charge.  I encourage you to ask tough questions.  You’re worth it.


Coaching does not take insurance, but I offer a sliding fee.  I try to not turn anyone away and will work with your budget if I am able.

Unlike Therapy…

My sandard sessions are 1.5 hours.  Many people prefer 2 and use every minute.  Sometimes an hour is enough. 3-5 hours is an intensive. Ask me which option is best for you.

My experience with Molly is extraordinary leading to health, healing and personal development on spiritual, emotional, mental and physical levels.  Molly’s understanding of my physical health was laser and accurate.  The steps she taught me worked immediately.  Molly’s gifts in coaching are profound as she identified quickly and easily emotional patterns and experiences that were creating health issues. She taught me how to be the “Director” of my health with God.  She tutored my abilities and launched me onto my own path of becoming a coach/counselor.









I’m always a bit nervous before a Molly appointment, it’s like she can see right thru me.  But she is gentle, kind and non judgemental.  She does see you, but she will build you up.  She asks ‘what do you need’ at the start, and she delivers!


It is my intention to:

  • help you write & re-write your story based on who you are and what you need.
  • get you on your feet and feeling great as quickly as possible.
  • provide integrity, compassion, confidentiality and creativity.
  • thoroughly understand the PROBLEM while focusing on the SOLUTION.
  • be curious, open-minded and free of my own agenda.

Molly provides orientation, a you-are-her map for the soul.  God seems to work through her to get folks who are stuck and confused out of the weeds, back on the path and walking where they can confidently grow.  She is warm, welcoming, and personable with extraordinary listening skills and laser sharp questions.  And a great sense of humor!





Ready to move on

Done with surviving

Curious if there is more

This close to letting go

Tired of everyday malaise

At the end of your rope

Confused & frustrated

Traumatized & scared

Needing a creative solution