Spiritual Investment

Spiritual Investment

Investing spiritually relieves chronic physical, mental and emotional symptomology. I have never seen a chronic symptom that cannot be greatly benefitted from spiritual awareness and health. My top 10 spiritual investment tools? Die to Self, In Christ, 4 BodyHealth,...
Life Coaching

Life Coaching

The goal is to replace destructive and non productive patterns with healthy processes and solutions that are INNATE to you specifically. This garners the success and ongoing support from within. The defense mechanisms and survival techniques that are innate to you...
Architectural & Interior Design

Architectural & Interior Design

 The #1 rule in design–form follows function–acutely describes my approach: you cannot create a significantly beneficial design without understanding the people and things that will inhabit that design. The joy I get from working on custom residential...


I don’t know how to paint. That’s what makes it enjoyable. I don’t govern it, judge it, or control it. This is an arena where I can actively die to self, connect with God and let what is, happen. Services: site & location specific custom canvas...